Are you worried about your hair falling? Don't worry, you're not alone. Hair fall is a common condition affecting people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.

In this article, we'll explore the causes and solutions to managing hair fall, from environmental factors to treatment options. We'll also look at prevention strategies so that you can protect your locks for years to come.

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What Is Hair Fall?

Hair fall is when you lose more hair than usual. It's normal to shed a few strands each day, but if you're noticing clumps of hair in your brush or shower drain, it could be a sign of excessive shedding.

Hair shedding can be caused by various factors such as genetics, hormones, diet, stress, medications, and environmental factors. Genetics plays an important role as certain people are genetically predisposed to developing excessive hair loss. Hormones also play a role in causing hair loss. When hormone levels become imbalanced due to key events like pregnancy or menopause, they can cause the hair's growth cycle to slow down, leading to increased shedding.

Poor diet and stress can also lead to thinning locks due to a lack of essential nutrients and high cortisol levels, respectively. Finally, certain medications and environmental factors, including pollution, could contribute to excess shedding.

Fortunately, there are solutions available for those struggling with hair fall. These include taking supplements that contain biotin or other vitamins that promote healthy growth, using shampoos specifically designed for treating hair fall, and undergoing specialized treatments like mesotherapy, which involves injecting nutrients into the scalp.

Types of Hair Fall

Are you noticing your hair thinning and breaking off? That could be a sign of one of the types of hair fall. Hair fall can manifest in several ways, depending on the cause.

Telogen Effluvium

Anagen Effluvium

Traction Alopecia

Periodic shedding due to stress or hormonal imbalance resulting in thinning overall.

A rapid loss from certain medications or medical treatments causes bald patches.

Hair pulled too tight from hairstyles such as ponytails or braids that damage follicles over time.

Common Causes of Hair Fall

You may be wondering what causes hair fall. Genetics, stress, and nutrition can all contribute to hair loss.

Hair loss is often genetic and passed down from family members, meaning it cannot always be prevented.

Stress can also cause hair fall as it hurts the body's overall health, including the scalp's health.

Poor nutrition due to an unbalanced diet or malnutrition can also play a role in hair loss as the body isn't getting enough of the right nutrients.


Genetically inherited hair loss is one of the most common causes of excessive hair fall. It's essential to understand the different types and how each can be managed:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia:

    • Affects both men and women

    • Causes gradual thinning or balding on the top/frontal areas of the scalp

    • Treatments available include topical creams, medications, and laser therapy

  • Alopecia Areata:

    • An autoimmune condition that leads to patchy hair loss on the scalp or body

    • May cause complete baldness but usually resolves itself over time

    • Injections, topical ointment, and light therapy may help reduce associated inflammation

  • Scarring Alopecia:

    • Hair follicles are destroyed due to autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, or infections

    • Results in permanent hair loss and requires medical treatments for the underlying cause


Stress is often a contributing factor to excessive hair loss. Stress can cause telogen effluvium, a condition where more hairs enter the resting phase of their life cycle and fall out as a result.

The stress hormone cortisol can also affect the production of sebum by your scalp's sebaceous glands, leading to poor hydration levels in your scalp and hair.

Poor nutrition due to stress can also affect follicle growth and health. In extreme cases, physical or emotional stress can lead to alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy baldness throughout the body including the head.

Fortunately, there are treatments for this condition as well as lifestyle changes you can make to reduce its effects. Identifying sources of stress and taking steps such as yoga or meditation to manage it can help improve overall hair health.

Additionally, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals may provide essential nutrients necessary for healthy locks.


Now that you understand how stress can lead to hair fall, let's take a look at the role of nutrition in managing it.

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is key to keeping your hair healthy. Here are some tips on what to include in your meals:

  • Leafy greens like kale or spinach - they're packed with vitamins A and C which help promote new cell growth.

  • Protein-rich foods such as lean meats, eggs, nuts, and beans - provide the building blocks necessary for strong hair follicles.

  • Seafood such as salmon - contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation associated with hair fall.

  • Fruits like apples and oranges - contain antioxidants that protect from free radicals which can damage strands.

Environmental Factors Contributing to Hair Fall

Environmental factors, such as pollution and sun exposure, can contribute to hair fall. Pollution in the air contains harmful chemicals that weaken hair follicles over time. Excessive UV radiation from the sun can make hair brittle and more prone to breakage. Water with high chlorine content or hard water can strip away natural oils from the scalp and hair shafts. Windy conditions may cause tangling of long hair, leading to frequent combing and pulling of strands, resulting in further damage.

To combat these environmental factors, it is important to take certain precautions. When outdoors, wearing a wide-brimmed hat can protect from the sun. Using protective styling techniques, such as braids or buns, can help minimize exposure to damaging elements. Regularly shampooing with products designed for protection against these elements can also be beneficial.

Nutrition and Hair Fall

You may not realize it, but your diet can have a major impact on your hair health. Nutrients found in certain foods can help keep your hair strong and healthy, while deficiencies in certain vitamins or minerals can contribute to hair fall.

Eating foods that are high in nutrients such as proteins, biotin, iron, zinc, and Vitamin D can be key to maintaining healthy hair growth. Iron intake is particularly important for those who are experiencing excessive hair loss.

Make sure you're getting enough of these essential dietary components to keep your locks looking their best!

Diet Nutrients

Including certain diet nutrients in your daily meals can help prevent hair fall. A balanced diet that includes iron, zinc, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids is key to maintaining a healthy scalp and strong hair. Iron helps create red blood cells which carry oxygen to the scalp and follicles. Zinc helps with tissue growth and repair of damaged hair follicles. Protein is essential for building blocks for new hair growth. Omega-3s are beneficial for keeping the scalp moisturized and nourished.





Oxygen carrier to scalp/follicle

Red meat, spinach, beans


Tissue growth/repair damaged follicles

Oysters, nuts & seeds, dairy products


Building block for new hair growth

Eggs, fish & poultry, legumes & soybeans


Keeps scalp moisturized & nourished

Salmon & tuna, walnuts & flaxseed oil

Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin deficiency can contribute to hair loss. Vitamin deficiencies can cause various hair problems such as thinning, slow growth, and even bald patches in extreme cases.

Some important vitamins for healthy hair include B vitamins (such as biotin, folate, and niacin), vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Deficiencies in these vitamins can weaken hair strands and negatively affect scalp health, leading to issues like breakage, thinning, and shedding.

To replenish vitamin levels, it is recommended to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Other sources like fish or eggs can also be beneficial. If necessary, vitamin supplements can be taken as well.

Iron Intake

Maintaining an adequate iron intake is essential for healthy hair growth. Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, dullness, and a decrease in volume. To combat this, foods rich in iron such as leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats, and legumes should be included in the diet. Additionally, taking a supplement or multivitamin that contains iron may be beneficial.

Foods High In Iron

Supplements Containing Iron

Leafy Greens


Whole Grains

Iron Supplement

Lean Meats


Stress and Hair Fall

Stress can significantly contribute to hair fall. It is one of the most common causes and can manifest itself in many different ways.

Unmanaged stress can lead to hair loss due to:

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Stress triggers a hormone called cortisol, which has been linked to excessive hair fall.

  • Poor Nutrition: Stress often leads to an unhealthy diet, making it difficult for your body to absorb the necessary nutrients from food.

  • Telogen Effluvium: This is a type of temporary hair loss caused by physical or psychological shock that induces a change in the normal growth cycle of your hair follicles.

  • Alopecia Areata: This is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy baldness on the scalp and other areas of the body.

  • Trichotillomania: This is a compulsive disorder where people pull out their hair as a way of coping with anxiety or stress.

The best way to manage stress-related hair fall is by adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods, and getting adequate sleep.

Additionally, relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga may help reduce stress levels and prevent further damage to your hair follicles over time.

Treatment Options for Hair Fall

You don't have to suffer from hair fall forever. There are various treatment options available that can help restore your hair and reduce further damage.

From medications to natural remedies, there is something for everyone. Medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can help improve the growth of your hair when taken orally or applied topically. Other medical treatments like platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) involve injecting a concentrated solution of platelets into the scalp that helps stimulate hair growth.

Natural remedies like massage, aromatherapy, and essential oils may also be beneficial in reducing stress levels which can have an impact on hair fall. Additionally, changing up certain lifestyle habits such as exercising more often or eating a healthier diet may prove helpful too.

With the right approach and proper advice from a doctor, you'll be able to find the right treatment option for you and take control of your hair fall.

Prevention Strategies for Hair Fall

Taking proactive steps to prevent hair fall can go a long way in protecting your locks and keeping them healthy. Here are three simple tips you can follow for healthier hair:

  1. Wash your hair with lukewarm water, not hot water, as the latter strips away natural oils from your scalp that help keep it nourished.

  2. Avoid using heat styling tools, such as curling irons or flat irons, too often as this can lead to dryness and breakage of the hair strands.

  3. Incorporate foods rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins into your diet for strong and shiny tresses. These include nuts, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc.

Additionally, try to reduce stress and get regular exercise for overall health, which will positively reflect on your hair too!

When to See a Doctor for Hair Fall

If you've been experiencing excessive hair loss, it may be time to talk to a doctor about potential causes and solutions. Seeing a medical professional can help diagnose the underlying cause of your hair fall and provide tailored advice on how best to manage it.

It's important to see a doctor if you're losing more than 100 strands a day, as this could indicate an underlying health issue or hormone imbalance that needs treatment. Hair loss can also be caused by certain medications, so your doctor will need to rule these out before providing any other advice or treatment plan.

In some cases, your doctor may refer you for blood tests or further investigations, such as trichoscopy or biopsy, to accurately identify the cause of the hair loss. If physical illness is ruled out, psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety may be causing the problem - luckily there are treatments available for these too.

With a proper diagnosis from your doctor and an appropriate treatment plan in place, you should soon start seeing positive results for managing your hair fall.

Try HairCubed Against Hair Loss 

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What sets HairCubed apart from other hair products on the market? It's simple - our distinct, patented formula is crafted from natural ingredients and incorporates advanced microfiber technology to triple the volume of your hair by 3 times. Unique in its approach, HairCubed is the only product that focuses on thickening your actual hair rather than just masking your scalp. Consequently, it not only provides a natural-looking solution for thinning, fine, or balding areas but also assists in preventing further hair loss.

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Created with organic ingredients, HairCubed is free from ammonia and aluminum. It is suitable for both men and women, and you'll see a noticeable difference after just one application. So, why wait any longer? Give HairCubed a try today and discover what makes us stand out from the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take for Hair Fall Treatments to Start Working?

It depends. Generally, hair fall treatments may start to show results in a few weeks or months. However, some treatments may take longer for desired effects to appear.

Can Genetics Cause Hair Fall?

Yes, genetics can cause hair fall. It's known as hereditary hair loss and it's passed down from parent to child. Genetics can determine the rate of shedding and balding, so it's important to understand your family history.

Are There Any Home Remedies for Hair Fall?

Yes, there are home remedies that can help reduce hair fall. Consider using natural oils or masks, warm compresses, scalp massage, and gentle shampooing. Avoid tight hairstyles and harsh chemicals to protect your locks.

Are There Any Hairstyles or Haircuts That Can Reduce Hair Fall?

Yes! Certain hairstyles and haircuts can help reduce hair fall. Avoid tight hairstyles, like ponytails, braids, or buns, as they pull on the scalp and weaken hair follicles. Try styles that are loose and don't require heat-styling tools.

Are There Any Supplements I Can Take to Stop Hair Fall?

Yes, some supplements may help reduce hair fall. Many contain vitamins and minerals that can support healthy hair growth, such as biotin, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Talk to your doctor to discuss if any of these might benefit you.


You can take control of your hair fall by understanding the causes and taking preventative measures.

Eating a nutritious diet, reducing stress, and avoiding environmental factors like smoking and air pollution are key steps to managing hair loss.

If you're still having issues with significant hair fall, speak to your doctor about treatment options like minoxidil or finasteride.

With the right lifestyle changes and medical help if necessary, you can manage your hair fall effectively.

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