Wondering what hair thickening fibers are? Find out in this article.


 HairCube is a unique hair-thickening fiber spray that triples your hair supply by 3 (WaterProof). The only product on the market that thickens your actual hair, It looks and feels natural


Haircube has created the best hair fibers for men and hair fibers for women.

Discover Haircube’s Hair thickening spray:

Learn more about Haircube’s Hair fibers waterproof spray



Hair growth occurs in cycles. Hair growth is controlled by hormones, particularly androgens in men and women. The hair growth cycle has 3 phases: the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. These phases follow one another for several years.

The hair on the scalp grows for two to six years, then rests for about three months. At the end of this resting phase, the old hair is removed and new hair begins to grow in its place.

The average human head carries 100,000 to 150,000 hairs (although some people are born with far fewer or more). While many are found on the scalp, the eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic areas also have hair. Before puberty, about one-third of the hair is growing and two-thirds are at rest. When puberty begins in girls, around the age of 10 or 11, the pattern changes, with about 90% of the hair in the growing phase. Hair growth stops around 14 or 15 years for girls and 16 or 17 years for boys.


Hair loss, also called alopecia, refers to any form of hair loss that results in partial or total baldness. Hair loss can be caused by genetics, medical conditions such as thyroid disease, stress, or nutrient deficiencies.

People with hair loss may feel depressed and self-conscious about their appearance. Hair loss can also interfere with a person’s social life and relationships. A person’s self-confidence may suffer if they feel they are not as attractive to others, or if their hair loss causes them to avoid social situations.

While there is no single treatment for all types of hair loss, many options are available depending on the cause of the problem. Treatment options include medications, hair replacement systems, and surgical procedures.


There are many different types of hair. The texture, thickness, amount, and style of your hair can make a big difference in how you care for it. Most people have one of these hair types:

Straight hair. This is the most common type of hair. It is straight, flat, and can be wavy or curly. Straight hair can be straight at the ends or even have a slight wave at the ends.

Tightly curled hair or afro texture. This type of hair is generally coarser than straight hair and is tightly curled from root to tip. The curls are usually small and tight. Curly or afro-textured hair can also be called kinky hair or nappy hair, which are slang terms for black curly hair, meaning it is tightly curled (like a child’s).

Wavy or curly hair. Wavy hair has alternating straight and curly areas along its length. It may have a slightly wavy texture from root to tip, but its overall look is one of the waves rather than tight curls.

Coarse/Strong Hair. This type of hair is generally very strong and resilient, with a diameter larger than the average human hair.


The type of hair you have-whether straight or curly, thick or thin, coarse or fine-may be more vulnerable than other people’s hair to breakage and damage. Most of us have a combination of hair types on our heads. Knowing yours can help you take better care of your hair.

Hair type is determined by many factors, including the shape of your hair (oval, round, square), the shape of your parting, and the way your hair grows from the scalp (straight, wavy or curly). Hair can be damaged by excessive heat styling tools, tight hairstyles, and chemical processes such as color treatments and straightening.

But even if you have a very fragile hair type, there are ways to protect it. Just like you wouldn’t wash your clothes with too much soap or dry clean them with harsh chemicals, be careful what you do to your hair and use products designed for your specific type. You’ll save time and money in the long run, and you’ll keep what’s left of your hair looking fabulous.


Hair loss in men can be a difficult problem to deal with. It can be a source of embarrassment, and it can make a man feel less masculine.

Male hair loss can be caused by many factors.

Heredity can be the cause of baldness in men. They may have inherited a gene from their father or mother that causes hair loss in men. This hair loss usually starts at the top of the head and gradually spreads to the rest of the scalp.


-Dieting is too severe, especially when done over a long period.

-Stress, which can affect hormone levels.

-An injury to the head or scalp, such as from an accident or surgery.

-Certain diseases such as lupus or diabetes.

-Lack of oxygen to the scalp due to poor circulation or smoking.

-Prescription medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, steroids, beta-blockers, and antihistamines.

-Chemical hair treatments such as perms and coloring products.

-Age of onset. If it occurs at a young age, testosterone is more likely to have played a role. On the other hand, if the thinning is severe before the age of 40, testosterone may have played a role.


If you drink large amounts of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, indulge in fast food, and don’t eat enough foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, you could be sabotaging your hair growth.

Tobacco contains nicotine which is known to cause hair loss. Alcohol increases the secretion of male hormones, which can lead to thinning hair and baldness, especially in men. Eating fast food can lead to premature graying of hair. So can inadequate intakes of vitamin B12 and folic acid, which are essential for healthy hair growth.

A healthy lifestyle will not only keep you looking good but will also help your hair grow faster. An adequate intake of protein, such as fish, eggs, milk, and yogurt, promotes faster growth of new body cells, including hair. Also make sure you get enough vitamin B12 and folic acid from foods like cheese, milk, sardines, and salmon or blueberries, as these are rich sources of these essential hair health vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon, sardines, and tuna should be consumed regularly for healthier hair. 


Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disease that causes hair loss. In most cases, hair grows back in the affected areas. Treatment options include medications, steroid injections, and immunotherapy.

To reverse the symptoms of alopecia areata, doctors may prescribe medications such as corticosteroid injections or topical steroids to help reduce inflammation. Light therapy can also be used to stimulate hair growth. Newer treatments include low-dose chemotherapy drugs that may have toxic effects on the body but may cause more robust hair growth than other drugs. Immunotherapy is a relatively new treatment that uses the patient’s immune system to fight disease, including alopecia areata. This treatment involves injections over several months, but it may lead to remission in some patients.

According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, approximately 2% of people will develop alopecia areata at some point in their lives. However, many people with this condition do not seek medical attention unless the hair loss becomes severe or the condition persists for a long period. Approximately 25% of patients with alopecia areata experience complete remission within one year and 75% experience remission within five years.


Androgenic alopecia is a common type of hair loss that results in thinning and receding hair on the temples, forehead, and crown. It affects both men and women but is more common in men.

Treatment of androgenic alopecia: There are many ways to treat this condition, including medical treatments, surgery, wigs or hairpieces, or micro-pigmentation of the scalp. Treatments depend on the severity of hair loss.

Women with hair loss may notice thinning around the hairline and on the top of their heads. When they pull their hair back into a ponytail or bun, they may notice some baldness on the top of their head. This is called diffuse thinning.

Men who suffer from androgenic alopecia may notice a receding hairline and a noticeable increase in their parting. They may also notice some baldness on the sides of their head, behind their ears. This phenomenon is called temporal recession.


Hair fibers are a new development in the hair loss treatment industry. Hair fibers are exactly what they sound like. It is a fine, soft substance that looks like cotton. The reason these fibers are so effective is that they attach to your own hair to create the appearance of thicker hair.

It is very difficult for others to see the difference between your natural hair and the hair fibers. This makes it a great option for men and women who want to wear their air instead of using a wig or other equipment to hide their thinning hair.

Hair fibers have gained popularity because they are much less expensive than other thinning hair treatment methods. If you suffer from a mild case of male pattern baldness, this may be all you need to get the results you want without having to spend hundreds of dollars on surgery or other methods.

The process of applying the fibers is just as easy as in the past and the product has improved over time, giving a more natural look and feel.

HairCube has created a new generation of microfiber technology that is the only product on the market that thickens your actual hair rather than simply covering your scalp. Rather than simply being sprayed on, HairCube is activated by the action of brushing. The more you brush the HairCube fibers, the thicker your natural hair becomes, covering sparse, thin, or bald areas. HairCube fibers are water, humidity, and wind-resistant and do not come off until you shampoo.


Make sure your hair is dry and clean, then spray a small amount (2-3 seconds) of HairCube Fibers. Brush thoroughly, 30-40 seconds of brushing, the more you brush, the thicker your hair becomes. Once applied, the fibers are water, humidity, and wind-resistant and do not come off until you shampoo. One box of HairCube Fibers can last you an average of 2-5 months.



The HairCube Starter Kit is recommended for our new customers. This starter kit includes our HairCube Fibers, the HairCube Sealer, and Control, and the Ionic Brush. The price for all 3 products is usually $173.30 but is reduced to $155.95 with a 15% discount for new customers. 


Fiber HairCube: This new generation of microfiber technology is the only product on the market that thickens your actual hair rather than just covering your scalp. Rather than simply being sprayed on, HairCube is activated by the action of brushing. The more you brush the HairCube fibers, the thicker your natural hair becomes, covering sparse, thin, or bald areas. HairCube fibers are water, humidity, and wind-resistant and won’t come off until you shampoo.

HairCube Sealer & Control: HairCube Sealer & Control is the second part of HairCube Fibers that will give you a second layer of protection for water and humidity resistance while helping hair look more natural and adding that extra shine.

HairCube Ionic Brush: The HairCube Ionic Brush helps fibers distribute themselves more evenly. The ions create static electricity in the hair, allowing the fibers to cling more securely and saving about 30% of the fibers, making the box last even longer. 


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